jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Taking part in the magazine (José Delgado Moreno 1ºC)

Some persons were selected to do a reportage about the theatre we were do in P.E. class. We write an opinion about how we did the performance. We are friends so the work's relationship was perfect and we really enjoy doing the performance.

A whole year!

During this year of hard work we have done a lot of things! We started doing plans for an ideal trip, it was so funny planing your ideal trip, you know with unlimited money is always fine. Them we had to search about the history of San Roque it was not as funny as the trip but it was interesting. Them during the last months we have work in a magazine,we have wrote articles about everything that has happened in Jose Cadalso hightschool this year. In conclusion this subject have been a different way of studing, but in my oppinion it would work better if we have two hours a week instead of only one, and also in smaller groups, we were too much people to use the computers or the internet. Álvaro Díaz Ríos.

My opinion of the subject (José Delgado Moreno 1ºC)

In this subject we had to do many interesting works which has helped me to learn more english I learn in class. I think that the subject should not change.

Taking part in the magazine

During the month of May we were selected to go to the art exposition and take a look of what is going on. We were very pleased when we arrived, we could see all kind of things, such as painting, drawings, photos and sculture, a lot of people take part so every one had his own style. We were specially surprised of ours teacher who also participated Maria eugenia make a sculture and Antonio, who painted.... well.. really I am not sure of what did he painted, that was too abstract for me I think... Anyway we wrote an article for the magazine and we take some photos of the exposition,if you want to know more about our article read the magazine and search our part. Álvaro Díaz Ríos

My job in PI

I'm David Moreno, and I'm going to talk about my job in PI. I did with Álvaro Díaz and Manuel Tadeo Méndez, the job for the subject; the job is about to make photos of the artworks in my high school.

What I think about PI

I'm David Moreno, and I'm going to talk about my opinion of PI. In the subject you can lear a lot of things like English, how to make blogs and you can improve the speaking. For me PI is very usefull.

My opinion about the subject,

I´m Juan Carlos, and I really have enjoyed this subject. PI is an exellent chance for students to practice their English by writing articles in the magazine or making oral expositions about different matters. Here we are provided the opportunity to improve our English fluency, which we haven´t in the normal English subject.

What I have to do in PI

Cadalso In Concert In PI I have to talk about "Cadalso In concert 2013" as a lighting technician. I had a good time doing that because you can learn a lot of things about the job as a lighting technician.
My personal opinion about PI I think that PI is a good subject because it can be usefull for my notes, and can rise my grade point average. We do this subject in English to learn it, but for me is not a good methode to learn it. David Heaford Piña.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

For the magazine, I have had to write the first opinion about the classmates, so it was my time to gossip the classmates. I have also done the two covers, the second want, i have likely to say that i did it with nearby all the help of our too much kind YASMINA, thanks. And i participated in the interview of our philosophy's teacher. I think we have done a great job... Let's read it.

Our first and maybe the last magazine. Not Bad...!!!!!!!

Publish at Calameo or read more publications.

We have finally finished our school project. What a joinful day, eventually without exams ( only sufficiency). We have waited for this moment during all the school term.!!!!!

Juan Carlos

I´m Juan Carlos and as everyone else I have written one article on my own with a little help from my friend Pablo Ponce. In this article I have written about our excursion to the University of Cádiz, where we performed some experiments and were shown the facilities. Hope you like it!

Our articles for the magazine

As you already know, students in first of Bachillerato are preparing a magazine for the high school, in which we talk about excursions, teachers and our opinion about different causes that affect us. We, the group called 'Illuminatis' have prepared two articles, one talking about the expectatives for the future a student can have, and another one in which we interview our dear philosophy teacher, Belén. Hope you find them interesting!

martes, 2 de abril de 2013


I have written two poems that i hope you like:

Cause your soul wanted,
cause your heart struggled,
cause your face entirely faded
and the tears covered it.
You have been spoiled,
but your eyes still sparkle,
so dry yourself, once bitter,
and stand up from your bed.

The second one is:

Our lifes are rivers
that flow to the sea.
What's the death?
Better than the fear it is
that comes by the time.
Then the river cries,
so waterfall,
and when the sun shines,
in the highest wales,
rain of stars.

Sex time and Power

It has just come to my hands a quite interesting book about Sex and Women, how do they influed in history and culture. It's for hard readers because it's pretty long, and it is  written in a difficult english. If someone wants to read an essay of philosophy in english, just demand it to me.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

The American Dream

I saw that video yesterday and i find it interesting but a little long or maybe out of context to put it here. It is quite interesting and it's in a pretty comprehensible english. Besides, for those who need it, it has subtitles. I put here the URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf8KFdnwBGY
Just click and enjoy whatching it.

Future money. NEWS!!!

False friends

Cómo tener una conversación en inglés y no morir en el intento

además de las clases, la vida nos ofrece muchas oportunidades para practicar el inglés en nuestra vida cotidiana. Consejos :
-Comienza presentándote. Un simple hola acompañado de una sonrisa para romper el hielo es un buen comienzo. Di tu nombre y haz alguna pregunta. .
- Muestra interés. No monopolices la conversación desde un principio. Si comienzas intentando hablar mucho o hacer frases muy elaboradas puede que te atasques y el flujo de la conversación se corte, lo que te hará sentir mal contigo mismo. Mejor que sean frases cortas al comienzo.
Debes intentar que la conversación sea dinámica El uso del I mean (literalmente: “quiero decir”) es perfecto. Se usa para explicar mejor algo que hayamos dicho antes.
 Una de las situaciones más embarazosas en una conversación en inglés es cuando estás hablando, y de repente, no sabes qué decir.

No te preocupes, es normal, así que aquí tienes unas cuantas ideas para salir airoso de la situación:
1-    Expresa tus ideas de manera concisa y precisa. .

2-Intenta conectar tu idea con lo que estaba hablando tu interlocutor.
3-Muestra interés a tu interlocutor, expresando sorpresa con interjecciones como “Oh”, “Wow” ; agreement  ”I think so”, “I see what you mean” or maybe you want to express empathy:”oh what a pity”, “that’s too bad”.
4-Por último, aquí tienes algunas palabras que son muy útiles para rellenar esos silencios: FILLERS
Los fillers son palabras o sonidos que se usan en la conversación para indicar a los otros que ha hecho una pausa para pensar pero que no ha terminado todavía de hablar.
Los sonidos fillers más comunes son: uh /ʌ/, er /ɜ: / y um /ʌm / y las palabras son “you know”, “I mean”, “I’m telling you”.
Usando estos consejos te aseguramos que te librarás de esos silencios incómodos!


Los españoles tenemos un sentido del ridículo muy marcado a la hora de hablar un inglés “en condiciones”. Incluso podemos ser crueles en mente con compañeros que se esfuerzan por pronunciar bien. Sin embargo somos muy contradictorios, porque del mismo modo, admiramos a un compatriota nuestro que maneja este idioma a la perfección y casi sin acento.
No es difícil aprender a tener una buena pronunciación, y nos servirá para mucho: causar una buena impresión en charlas, conferencias o presentaciones, así como hacernos entender mucho mejor con nativos o personas de otros países.
¿Cómo mejorar nuestra pronunciación?
  • Imitar los acentos es muy útil y divertido. Tenemos que tomárnoslo como un juego. Por ejemplo, podemos escuchar canciones en ingles subtituladas e ir fijándonos en la pronunciación a la vez que adaptamos el oído.
  • Lee los textos que encuentres en los libros en voz alta. No hay por qué gritar, pero no los leas “de mente”. Así te iras acostumbrando a sonidos que no nos son familiares.
  • Perder el sentido del ridículo. Hablar bien un idioma está bien, no basta con hacernos entender. Tómatelo como algo divertido, como si fueras un actor. Si te bloqueas o te pones nervioso, usa las manos, o muévete. Si tienes el cuerpo tenso, te garantizo que los sonidos no saldrán naturales, no le darás la entonación adecuada, sonarás como un robot y no comunicarás nada. Así que, esfuérzate por pronunciar bien, olvídate de lo que los demás piensan, concéntrate en tu objetivo, diviértete, ríete de ti mismo, disfruta con el proceso,enjoy learning!

Are you one of those people who sees reading as a tedious task rather than one of those simple pleasures of life?

You may want to rethink your view of reading as it is one of the best ways to build your vocabulary  and consequently improve your English. Try to:
  • Choose reading material that interests you and that is appropriate to your level.
  • Skim the text for its gist: simply read through it quickly to find its main idea. What is it talking about? Who is involved?
  • Read it again and this time, take your time and underline any words,  you aren’t familiar with. First try to figure out what they mean by using context clues, then later on check whether you’re right or wrong by looking them up in the dictionary.
  • It would be ideal to keep a vocabulary notebook where you could write down all the fresh, new words you’ve come across in your reading.
  •  You could also write your own version of what you’ve read by rephrasing. For instance, if you’ve read an article, rewrite it in paragraphs. If you’ve read a novel, summarize it in chapters. With this you’ll also be helping your writing skills out.        
Perhaps turning yourself into a bookworm isn’t the easiest thing in the world.  With a bit of interest, a little patience and  hard-work, you’ll be flipping through the pages like the wind.

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Our new project.

We are preparing a new project for our favourite subject, PI. This time we are going to talk about Jose Cadalso and his life. He was born in San Roque and he is buried in Santa María la Coronada church, in San Roque. We are working hard on it, we hope you enjoy the project when it´s finished! :3

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013
